Thursday, March 15, 2007

Dissertation Prep Services

Yesterday and today we spent time with Dr. Leslie Andrews. She led us through some of the dissertation writing process, especially the process for writing chapter 3. We covered issues such as what types of instruments might be appropriate for gathering the information we need in the field. Keep your eyes posted, Grandview, surveys will be coming to Johnson City as early as this fall.

She teamed us up and gave us a four hour assignment after class. We had to sort through, code, classify, and interpret data from one of the seminary's old surveys.

My group went right to work. I was really glad to have Nolan in my group, because Nolan rocks.Kent rocks, too. I haven't mentioned this yet, but Kent will be staying around Wilmore after this year--he is "New Jack City" (meaning, he's taking Jack Connell's vacated position in the associate dean's office). Anyway, he was in my group.
Alicia was in my group, too. She was the one who provided the "category breakthrough" for the classification of the data.
I just sat idly by.
We went over the assignment with Dr. Andrews this morning and then, after lunch, she handed the class off to Judy. Judy is the one who oversees the editing of dissertations. I think I will call her Conan the Grammarian. She's affable and bubbly--not what you expect from a vicious editor.
Jim is just thinking about all of the things he has to re-write based upon today's information.
Jason just held his Travis doll really tight.

Meanwhile, the NCAA tournament went on without us. At least John got into the swing of things.

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