Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tomorrow's Offering

I hope all is well where you are.

At Grandview we lost a saint today. Cookie was tired and ready to die. How many times did we kneel next to her bed and pray that God would cut short her ordeal? I wouldn't be able to guess. Please pray for her family.

Tomorrow's sermon is the last in the series on what being in a relationship with Jesus does to a person. We will focus on the post-Resurrection disciples.


Prayers of the Church for Grandview
30 March 2008

God of Life on this earth; gracious, loving, and joyful are you! When your word became flesh and bone and settled with humanity, passing freely among us as a carpenter, a teacher, and a friend, we recognized greatness, but not God. How blind we can be! Your glory blushed before our eyes and we marveled at the sight, without fully seeing the light. Thank you for being thrilled to receive the affection we give to you today.

God of Death on the Cross; suffering, patient, and humble are you! When you watched your Son suffering at the hands of people you created, your commitment to us never crumbled, even as you turned your face away from cruelty of crucifixion. Thank you for your steadfast love that is greater than your gut reaction.

God of Resurrection; victorious, pleased, and blissful are you! The delight you took in seeing Mary’s response to your Son’s resurrection must still bring a smile to your face. With amusement you must have watched the collision of reality and the impossible in the eyes of your disciples. Thank you for staving the hand of judgment, healing its wounds and transforming it for our sake.

You are the great and gracious God. There is none besides you. It is right for us to offer you all glory and praise and honor.

Forgive us our sins, as you have promised. Forgive us for growing comfortable with our list of sin, for failing to consider that our sin might be keeping us from offering you our best. Forgive us for being awkward and thick when it comes to learning what it means to respond to the gift of resurrection that you made visible to the women and men who have faithfully handed their accounts of your victory to us.

Bless our sick with healing. Visit the depressed with your great joy. Wrap your protective wings around those in harm’s way. Give wisdom to those who are seeking your direction. Free the oppressed from their addictions. Breathe your Spirit into each of us so that we might serve you, being bold and unafraid in service of your kingdom. Come swiftly and sweetly to those whose time to die has arrived. Send your Spirit of comfort to those who are grieving, especially to the family and friends of Cookie. Lord, you know how often she prayed that you would bring her home. Thank you for answering that prayer, even if it felt to her like you were late in arriving.

Bless the missionaries we support. Bless the agencies of the gospel that we support. Bless our national leaders and world leaders; guide their feet in the paths of peace. Bless this nation. Bless our enemies. Bring us the peace that only you can bring; that peace that is inaccessible to through the world.

We pray together as your Risen Son has taught us:

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