Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tomorrow's Offering

Tomorrow's sermon is the last in the "Stand" series. I originally intended to focus on Gamaliel in Acts 5, but throughout my preparation I keep finding myself being drawn more to the stand that Peter and the Apostles were making in this text. So ... I'll mention Gamaliel, but I'll go ahead and focus on the disciples. The sermon still needs lots of work. This week has been jam packed with meetings and meetings and then with a few more meetings.

On Thursday night I began teaching Christ and Culture at Milligan again. The class went well. The lecture hall in Derthick has been remodeled since last Spring and it seems to have made it a much better room for teaching.

Have a great Saturday. Cheer for the Gators!

Prayers of the Church for Grandview

31 August 2008

When nothing we can see existed, O God, you did not keep silent. You spoke and formlessness found shape; darkness disappeared into daylight; voids became landscapes, teaming with life. Your syllables became planets and plants and people.

When we knew you not, O God, you did not keep silent. Your word became flesh in the womb of your servant, Mary. Your word experienced creation from the inside and revealed to us the very heart and soul of the one who made us.

When your Son was in the grave, O God, you did not keep silent. You spoke and life sprang from the ground, overcoming tears with laughter; grief with joy—because your words are life and more life.

When we, your people, stand on the earth let us not keep silent. Let us, made in your image, echo your words of life. Let us speak them with the expectation that you will use our words in the lives of others. Give us the power to lift the hearts and souls of those around us by refusing to keep silent. Give us the power to heal, soothe, strengthen, and enliven this world with your word.

Lord, we understand that there is a time to keep silent, but please forgive us when we grow too ready to be silent. Give us the wisdom to know when to speak. Teach us the words to use. Help us to be bold in our obedience to you.

Forgive us for making our inclinations, our selves, our jobs, our schooling, or our families more important than the kingdom of God. Forgive us for letting our busy-ness keep us from deepening our friendships with your people and cutting us off from people who really do need to know you.

In the silence, if you are willing, please show us the things that we have made more important than your call upon our lives:


Bless those on our prayer list with peace, joy, healing, protection, and strength. Bless those who are caring for the people on our prayer list. Give to the dying a peaceful death.

Give the gift of speaking words of life to the Coleys, Freelands, Headens, Hillmans, Nyadors, Veals, and Orths. Refresh the McDades in their time with us. We also remember before you the Jacksons and the Colemans as you prepare then to follow your call.

Bless your church all over the world. Guide the feet of national leaders in the paths of peace. Bless, and do not curse, our enemies.

We pray as your Son, our blessed redeemer, has taught us.


EON said...

I know you've thought about what to do with your blog -- especially when you're not writing the prayers every week -- but please keep posting them!

Also, and I hate to sound like a broken record, but is there any chance you can/would post your sermons online? Text, audio, anything?

Eric said...

Fine point, Eon - I agree with all you said!