Thursday, November 20, 2008

Last Two4Two for 2008

This is it. Fall 08 Two 4 Two is a wrap. It was the best Two 4 Two to date. Special thanks to Sam for putting the slideshows together, Matt for the videos, the youth for being leaders, the adults/parents who volunteered their time, Dana and Ryan for leading, and (of course) our honorary Dinner Deans/Rendezvous hosts, the McDades.
Thanks to the kitchen crew for their weekly work and devotion.Enjoy the scenes from the night. I'll label the pictures with first names:
Bethany plays carpet ball with intensity.

Cassady and Meghan (they look like they could be sisters)

Anna enjoying the craft time.

Left to right: Drew, Jordhan, Jared.

Norrah, Kavita, and Emily.



Sam's slideshow, the one that we didn't get to watch (Sorry, Sam!). The computer crashed just as I started it up. I tested the dang thing three times during the day and it was fine. Then, under pressure, the computer folded like a cheap lawn chair.

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