Better late than never. Today was a good day. There is something especially satisfying for a minister when Saturdays go well.
In tomorrow's sermon I plan to focus on the role of Ananias in Paul's conversion. What really impressed me this week is God's confidence in Ananias--and perhaps God's confidence in us.
Anyway, here's tomorrow's prayer. I pray that wherever you are you have a fine day gathering with others to worship tomorrow. It's a privilege.
Prayers of the Church for Grandview
August 12, 2007
God, who made one man and saw that life was incomplete without the love of an equal, together we gather before you. As one body we praise you for making all of us and for blessing us. Thank you for making us different in so many beautiful ways, but still calling us to one purpose, under one Lord, with one faith, and one baptism.
You called Abraham to walk with Sarah. You called Jonathan to be a friend to David. You called Elisha to learn from Elijah. You called the disciples to walk with your Son, our Savior, Jesus of Nazareth. And you called Ananias to place his hands upon Paul so that he could see you.
In your image you have created us, to be together in faithfulness, love, and joy.
We confess that we too easily become selfish, thinking about ourselves and what we want—and how someone else might get what we want for ourselves. We confess that we try to protect ourselves by lying, becoming angry, separating from each other, and using each other.
Let the scales fall from our eyes so we can see who Jesus was and how he lived; so magnificently, so joyfully, so unafraid of all that tries to crush and destroy! What are we afraid of? You are more than capable of providing the things we need. Who are we afraid of? You are the God who made everyone. Where are we afraid? There is no place where you are not. Why are we afraid? You have shown us that your love is bigger than death.
And so we pray for the people on our prayer list, confident that you are their God, confident that you will supply health, safety, life, encouragement, freedom, release, and peace—even in death.
We pray for missionaries, confident that you are at work where they are. We pray for those getting ready for the mission field, confident that you are organizing their places of service even before they arrive.
We pray for ourselves, that we appreciate the great confidence you have shown in us by calling us to be the church.
We pray for our enemies, confident that one day every knee will bow and confess that Jesus is Lord—even the same Jesus who taught us to pray with one voice:
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