Saturday, November 22, 2008

Enough, Already. Tomorrow's Offering

Tomorrow is the end of the "Enough" series. The sermon is almost ready ... in an ironic twist, I haven't had enough time to get it done this week. I have found, though, that when time is short the sermon still comes together. This phenomenon is odd enough that it makes me suspect I unintentionally drag the process during normal weeks. The only thing that keeps me from accepting that thought is that sometimes I get the sermon wrapped up earlier in the week only to get surprised with a funeral or something later in the week. I'll just call getting any sermon done a gift of grace and go from there.

Tomorrow's sermon opens with another trip down memory lane. I'm getting more sentimental as I get older--or maybe there are just more people to miss. I'll plan to mention some encounters I had with Dr. Bob Fife back when he was still with us. What a fine man he was.

He and Cookie Helsabeck had a club called the "Humility Club." They were too proud to let anybody else join it. Since Cookie wouldn't let me into the club after Dr. Fife died I used to tell her that once she was gone I was going to start one without her. She told me--emphatically--that I wasn't allowed do that.

On the personal news front, the Wymers have a new member of the family in the house. Arriving earlier tonight was Ray, Cindy's grandfather from New Jersey. He seems to be doing well and we're looking forward to having him living with us. I was able to get his room ready, mostly, before he arrived. I had to remove some cabinets, get a hospital style bed, do a little priming (it needs paint now), rearrange the basement, etc, etc....

We're glad the girls get to have their great grandfather around. He's always been very gracious to us. If you see him at church tomorrow, please welcome him to Tennessee!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Last Two4Two for 2008

This is it. Fall 08 Two 4 Two is a wrap. It was the best Two 4 Two to date. Special thanks to Sam for putting the slideshows together, Matt for the videos, the youth for being leaders, the adults/parents who volunteered their time, Dana and Ryan for leading, and (of course) our honorary Dinner Deans/Rendezvous hosts, the McDades.
Thanks to the kitchen crew for their weekly work and devotion.Enjoy the scenes from the night. I'll label the pictures with first names:
Bethany plays carpet ball with intensity.

Cassady and Meghan (they look like they could be sisters)

Anna enjoying the craft time.

Left to right: Drew, Jordhan, Jared.

Norrah, Kavita, and Emily.



Sam's slideshow, the one that we didn't get to watch (Sorry, Sam!). The computer crashed just as I started it up. I tested the dang thing three times during the day and it was fine. Then, under pressure, the computer folded like a cheap lawn chair.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tomorrow's Offering

I didn't get any electronic copies of last week's prayer and I don't have any for tomorrow yet. Sorry. It's just harder to coordinate these sorts of things these days. Blog ranks lower than other things!

However, I will write briefly about tomorrow's sermon. I will be preaching on the story of Ruth and Boaz; more specifically on Boaz' practice of leaving grain for gleaning in his fields. I noticed something in the story this week that I've never noticed, so that's exciting. Sermon prep is always more fun when things surprise me.

The goal of the sermon will be for people to consider arranging their lives with margins in them, with time for building up others in fellowship for the sake of the kingdom of God.

I was glad to find Hoy Taylor standing beside me while I was preparing the sermon (metaphorically speaking, of course). Hoy was a friend of my dad's who lived on our street. He was Camel smoking, denim wearing, coffee drinking, metal welding, "Son of a Buck" (as he used to say). He was a quite a character and I look forward to remembering him in the sermon tomorrow.

We are getting ready for the advent season at Grandview. You will begin seeing the below picture. Ever since Matt Buckner gave me his old copy of Photoshop and taught me how to use it I have discovered my true calling. I love working on these little pictures!

For the four weeks leading up to Christmas we will focus on anticipation: the anticipation of heaven, of the poor, of the wealthy, and of Mary and Joseph as they awaited the flowering of the story of salvation in Jesus of Nazareth.

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Original King

I don't know if you've ever seen the Steve Harvey Show or the Original Kings of Comedy Tour (it's better on television than on rental), but Steve Harvey has reconnected with his Christian roots. This is actually a pretty powerful little video clip:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Two 4 Two: Only One More Week After This

The Bader Ballet Girls led us in worship last night. Their dance was beautifully done. Meaningful. Sweet. They were wonderful.This is one of the things we want to accomplish with Two 4 Two. I wish I had a video for you. Alas, I do not.
Jared at Rendezvous

Dylan and Carter cheese with Erin.
Fillipe andMax at Rendezvous.

Sam made a video, but for some reason I haven't been able to get it to load. Maybe I will try again later.

Only one more Two4Two. It's been a really good 10 weeks and I'm taking suggestions for themes for the Spring Session (sign up now!)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Midweek Blog Fodder

I saw this sign in the bathroom of a nursing home when I visiting the good residents. If you read it closely you find the flaw. I'm sorry it isn't a clearer picture.
Also, the sign maker at the local Kroger apparently doesn't pay attention to how gross some common words sound when paired together.

"Excuse me, sir, but do you serve Chicken Blowout Cacciatore?"

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Two 4 Two

Just for you, Laroc, here is the next installment of the blog. Fortunately we have the weekly Two 4 Two post to push the Georgia Fan off the top of the blog.

Last night's Two 4 Two went well and had a brief cameo appearance by Dr. Joe (thanks, Matt, for bringing him back for a night).

Here is Erin, sharing about forgiveness.

Here is youth minister extraordinaire, Ryan, taking a moment to cheese for the camera.
The table families were supposed to dress alike this week. The Tom and Willy took care of their table by making wreaths. Their table looked great.

The creator of the slide show, Sam V, doubles as a table parent and youth sponsor and ... and ... and it's folks like Sam who make Grandview's ministry to youth what it is.
And here is Sam's slide show for week. Another excellent job.

Monday, November 03, 2008

They Put The "UG" in Ugly.

I haven't mentioned football in a few weeks. After the University of Georgia's in-your-face celebration in last year's game I wanted the Gators to win like never before.

The Gators rose to the occasion. It was fun to watch. In honor of the 59*-10 beating, I will post this picture. I'm sorry in advance for the damage this picture does to your soul.
*That should be 49 ... by next Saturday it will 109 in my mind. Sorry about the fact-error!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Tomorrow's Offering

I hope you had a good week. Tomorrow Nathan McDade will be preaching, continuing the "Enough" theme from this past Sunday. This will be the first Sunday I've stepped out of the pulpit since we went to three services. I'm confident everybody has their jobs covered. Tomorrow's prayer people are Bill Greer (9:30), Bob Hall (11am), and Theresa Garbe (Table). Thanks!

Here is Bob Hall's prayer. Hope to see you tomorrow (don't forget the time change!):

Prayers of the Church for Grandview
2 November 2008

We come before You, Father, praising Your name and worshipping You with all our hearts. We love You, Lord. You are our rock, You are our redeemer, You are our Father, Mother, Creator. Regardless of how we act, regardless of what we say, regardless of how inadequate our efforts, You never forsake us. When our lives are good, You are present, when our lives are bad, You are there. You are our God and we are Your people.
We know all good things come from You. We know You will always provide. We know that. Still, we want so badly to feel in control of our lives and our world. When we see a problem, when we see an issue, we have to fix it…right away. We don’t trust You.
Time; we don’t have enough. We want more. We cram as many things into it as we can. One more thing, we just have one more thing to do. There’s so much to do. We fill our days, we labor…hard. Labor is good, but labor that betrays a lack of trust in Your ability to provide is simply a waste of time.
Give us the wisdom of balance. Assist us as we strive to be obedient to You, to trust in Your awesome power.
Help us make time, O Lord, time for You. Time for the things You love. Time for raising up our Christian families, time for serving the poor and downtrodden, time for prayer.
We are here today and gone tomorrow, but Your kingdom defies time…Your kingdom lasts forever.
Help us take time with our enemies. Bless them, Father and help us turn them into friends.
In the silence, Lord, hear our prayers of thanksgiving for the faithful in our past, those who have positively shaped our lives:

We pray for those who dedicate themselves to others. We ask Your blessings on emergency responders, home healthcare givers, medical professionals, educators. Bless our missionaries and those who serve in the military. Bless all those who put others first, especially in Your name.
And now we pray together as Jesus taught us to pray: