Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tomorrow's Offering, Pt. 2

Elder Lorna has submitted her prayer for tomorrow. Thanks, Lorna!


Lord of all nations, we as citizens of your kingdom come before you this morning a diverse people, yet united in our acknowledgment of you as creator, redeemer and sustainer. You, who are three, yet one, have given each of us unique gifts to extend your kingdom here in Northeast Tennessee. You have called us to leave behind childish and petty disagreements and focus on encountering each other with words of healing and encouragement. You have called us to join together to reach out to those beyond our congregation with a glimpse of what your kingdom can be. We thank you for leaders who motivate and prepare us for works of service and lead us in toward a unity of faith.

We are always mindful that you and your kingdom claim first loyalty in our lives, yet we also find ourselves as citizens of an earthly nation of equally diverse people. We thank you for allowing us to live in a country which has just witnessed a peaceful transfer of power. We pray your special blessings on all new leaders of our congregation and of our nation. We pray that those who now hold the authority to make decisions which affect our lives will resist the temptation to let their power become pride or disregard for those they serve. Give our leaders and us the wisdom to listen to each other. May they and we chose faith over fear, compassion over violence, and common ground over partisanship and self-interest. We long for a world of righteousness, justice, and peace, yet we know those ideals will not happen in our world until they first happen in our lives.

Invigorate, heal, strengthen, and encourage those who are sick, struggling, or sad. Give us the hearts of servants so we might minister to those on our prayer list. Give your protection to those who are risking their lives to protect us. Give a peaceful death to those whose time to die has come. Give us hearts to see you in those we call our enemies. Give us the grace to realize that they, like we, are sinners in need of forgiveness.

We pray for our sister churches. Today we especially ask your blessing on Walnut Christian Church and on their minister, Tim Carlson. We ask that their youth group be nurtured as they help form the life and future of that congregation. We seek your blessings on those involved this week with IHN, both those of us who serve and those families to whom we minister.

Now hear us as we pray together as we have been taught: Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen

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