Wednesday, April 19, 2006

And the books begin arriving!

When I got home from work today there was a box waiting on the counter. At first I assumed it was a box of hand-me-downs for my children. Packages received in the mail are rarely for me. Then I saw the Asbury sticker and I knew the books for my first class had arrived. There are 10 books in all, and I need to get busy reading them before the first class begins in July. I'm a slow reader . . . and even slower at comprehension. The great thing is that it's on a topic that interests me greatly.

The excitement I feel at receiving the books is tempered by the realization that I'm going to have to be disciplined enough to read them (just under 2000 pages before the class begins). I'll have to learn to sit still again. That's become a problem over the past couple of years. I get anxious to move on to the next thing; so anxious that I don't always finish what I'm doing. This will take some re-learning on my part and it's part of the reason I wanted to undertake another degree. I need the discipline and structure it provides.

With a naive smile I pulled all of the books out of the box, laid them side by side, and asked Cindy which one I should read first. She tapped the cover of "Leadership and Self-Deception." Hmmmm. Methinks she's telling me something. Naawwwww.

So, the reading for my DMin has begun.

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