Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Two 4 Two: Spring Session 2

With our ace Children's Minister, Dana, hanging out in Israel, ace intern, Maggie, stepped in to lead Two 4 Two last night. Things went smoothly, though the cold/flu season's carnage was apparent.

Here is last night's installment of "Dreaming with Dr. Joe." It's longer than last week's (almost five minutes total).

While the kids were coming into the sanctuary I put this up on the screen. The artist, Joe Castillo, is the father of a man I know here in town. Visual arts have a power to communicate that amazes me. This medium is called Sand Art. It constantly evolves as you watch.


Seven Layers said...


I tried to get Joe to come to our church this Lent to do this. Perhaps we can team up sometime and share the cost. See you soon.

Seven Layers said...


Once again, great job with the video. I'm amazed you can do this on a weekly basis. Your church folks must love it. Do you write this stuff or does a team do it? Very Creative.

Aaron said...

I came up with the basic ideas, but the videos are definitely a team effort ... with Matt being the one pulling the load. Without him ... well ... let's just not think about that right now.

As for hiring Joe, we might need the Holston Conference and all of the Christian churches to handle that cost!

bryan said...

"Dreaming With Dr. Joe" is a much better video than what's on my blog. You've got an actor in a challenging dual role, while I have a 25 year old music video, a three minute advertisement for a Disney animated feature nobody saw, and and a French talent show where two women - one from France and the other from Germany - were singing "we're the kids, we're the kids, we're the kids from America".

You are single-handedly undermining the writer's strike (and saving animals to become a pet or food). I bow in the general direction of your greatness.