Saturday, October 21, 2006

London Report Number 2: The Tourist and the Cousin

Day 2 in London was even better than the first (a week ago today!). Our London talisman, Ben, drove us to Westminster Abbey for a tour. I had been there before, but this time I took advantage of the audio-guide. Many of you have been to Westminster and you know what an amazing collection of history it is.I took this picture from cloisters.
This one is from the cloisters too.
Big Ben and Me.
Never dare your friends to ask a policeman to pose for a picture. He looks thrilled, eh?
I love this picture. That's the parliament building in the background (I don't know who the statue represents).
That's the parliament building in the background (I don't know who the statue represents).
That is the London Eye behind me and across the Thames.
When we left Westminster we went to the British Museum. It has a lot of great stuff, but not much of it is British. The Rosetta Stone is there as well as a great many Egyptian artifacts. I didn't stay long at the museum because it was time to go visit Cindy's cousin and his family just south of London (near Wimbledon).This is Richard and Lorna Gallagher and their children, Patrick and Maria. We met four or five years ago and somehow (despite the width of the Atlantic Ocean) we have seen each other every year since.
Richard and the children picked me up at the Tube station and took me straight to their "allotment." The allotment is part of a system of plots for gardening in London. They were a necessity during both World Wars, now they are popular due to the rise in organic gardening.Richard even built a greenhouse to get the seeds started.
Maria started playing the flute after visiting her cousin, Meghan, a year ago in America.

Patrick plays the violin. They both played beautifully and it was great to be in their home for the evening. At about 9:30 pm Richard dropped me back at the Tube Station and I made my way back to East London for the night--the end of a great day.

I always love being with the Gallaghers (pronounced: Galla-her). I wish they lived closer, but it's great that we've been able to see them as much as we have.


Anonymous said...

Hey favorite Uncle Aaron! I'm glad you got to see the Gallagher fam!Wish i coulda come with you. Don't have much more to say. Abby

Aaron said...

Hey, hey, Abby! I'm glad you wrote me a note. The Gallaghers asked how you were doing and if you liked living in New Mexico. Tell your mom that Richard lost her email address and the she needs to email him so he can have the address again! I love you.