I regularly get people who searched for information on "Prayer Mountain" in Korea
The most popular (and most disturbing) words are: "John Parker Wilson Shirtless". John Parker Wilson is the quarterback for Alabama and, apparently, the object of some desire. I mentioned him in a post over a year ago (when the Gators played Bama). I included a picture of a zealous, shirtless and red-painted Bama fan. Needless to say, my blog disappoints them very much.
2. There's a joke in here somewhere. After the area minister's meeting on Tuesday my friend, Robbie, had a flat tire. While I was helping him change it, another minister, the great Tim Ross, stopped to see if he could be of service. When he realized three minsiters were changing a tire, Tim said, "How many ministers does it take to change a tire?" If you have a good (clean!) punchline, feel free to include it in the comments at the bottom of this post.
One.... unless a minister is counting, and then at least 10 people were present.
Depends: if the preacher is a Calvinist : None - only God can change a tire, and then only if he decided that tire was destined for change when he laid the foundations of the earth. If the preacher is Armenian: one, but the tire must allow the change and do its share of the work.
GREAT JOB on the stump removal!! Your're a regular Paul Bunyan!
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