Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Coming Soon: The Table
Monday, April 28, 2008
In No Particular Order ...

Speaking of Grandview's own doing wonderful things. Megan Gable had her senior recital just over a week ago. She sang beautiful. Here she poses with the Edwina and Bill Greer on each side. Megan is from Lebanon, Indiana and grew up at a church that I helped build while I was in college ... she was born back then, but just barely.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Maggie and Isaac challenged each other on DDR. This time Maggie won.

Monday, April 21, 2008
One more Two 4 Two slide shooooooowww!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Tomorrow's Offering
Here's the prayer:
20 April 2008
O God, I’m out of adjectives. They are all too limited anyway. What sound can we make with our lips that could carry a gratitude so deep that it begins and ends in you? What utterance sums our collective thanks for existing, for even being able to be grateful?
And so, with our limited vocabulary, with our limited abilities, with our limited understanding, we come before you, the limitless and eternal God, and we offer words, but more than words, we offer ourselves as living sacrifices, poured out before your throne.
All the while we are aware that you, too, found the limit of words in the mouths of prophets, priests, and kings, and so you made your Word into flesh and poured your nature onto the earth for all to see.
Thank you for those first eye witnesses and their willingness to suffer for the sake of that Word, for those first ones who risked and gave their lives so that the Word could pass from your lips, to theirs, to their spiritual and physical descendants, and to ours. Let us, with clarion, proclaim that Word this morning, in this service, to your Glory.
Forgive us for making pour petty fears and dislikes the boundary of our faith, for being afraid of losing our own agendas in the presence of your great news that you love all people. Forgive us for being more attracted and attached to our wants than to needs of people who do not know you. Forgive us for keeping your Word, your character, your essence, to ourselves—and by sabotaging you mission in the process.
Our prayers, as every week, are for the sick, the dying, the discouraged, and for those in harm’s way. Give them healing, peace, fresh strength, and safety.
Lord, please bless the work of our hands. May the service we offer you be exaggerated by the power of your Spirit. Amplify the efforts of the missionaries we are honored to support, the Coleys, Freelands, Headens, McDades, Nyadors, Veals, Orths and to the Jacksons and Colemans as they prepare to serve you in places where the people are so dear to you.
We pray with Christians every where the prayer that you have taught us to pray:
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The Lord's Prayer
No Joe, No Two 4 Two ...
The end of Two 4 Two marks a break in my attempts to make slideshows and videos (although I'm getting ready to make four more for Sunday morning with my special guest star, Dr. Bob Hull. I need to ask Matt to help make the videos, but I'm a little reluctant to prey upon his goodwill...but prey I will.
On to the minutiae:
Isn't Spring great? Here's the backyard last week. Welcome back, Leaves! We missed you! I'm sorry that I gathered you into piles last Fall and crushed you into little pieces. Thanks for coming back even after I burned some of your ancestors.

This picture is from last week when we had the Coley family over for supper. The kids liked the truck trip we took. It reminded me of the many times I rode in the back of a truck when growing up--especially the way that loose dirt in the back of the truck would start swirling at certain speeds, making it impossible to open my eyes with getting debris in them. I love the way memories work. They just lie dormant for so long and then return with a comforting burst.

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Tomorrow's Offering
They will be missed.
Tomorrow's sermon is the first in a short series. We'll look in on the first Church in Jerusalem this week. In the next two weeks we will travel on to Antioch and then to Athens to learn what we can from the ancient church in those cities.
Here's the prayer:
13 April 2008
God of Freedom, we come before you as one body this morning to praise you for the gift of the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Thank you for giving us a glimpse of the gracious and steadfast love that burns in the heart of our God. Thank you for revealing the patient and persistent adoration of the Father for the Son, and for the Son’s friends. Recipients of eternity, of the river of life that overflows its boundaries, baptizing all who come near, we are passionate in our admiration of you.
May our praise burst forth like the buds and blossoms that this morning proclaim the coming of a season of growth! May our praise be like these hardy heralds of the coming bounty of the harvest!
Please be present as fully as our hearts will allow this morning as we dedicate ourselves to the apostles’ teaching in scripture, to the breaking of bread, to fellowship, and to prayer. Give power to our living of the gospel. Fill our friendships with joy. Make Grandview a blessing to this community, your church a blessing to the world.
Forgive us when we turn away from the instrument of your salvation. Forgive us when we become disgusted with the church and, based upon our own power, give up on your ordained way of joining together to be a light to a world shrouded in darkness. Forgive your church for being so much less than perfect. Forgive our individual sins too, as those sins become a distraction to mission of the body of the Christ.
Today, as we celebrate the gift of children, strengthen this community to be mothers and fathers of discipleship, committed to the rearing of children who understand faith and what is at stake in the kingdom of God, come to earth.
Bless those on our prayer list. We pray for our brothers and sisters who are suffering in sickness and disease, give them healing; for those who are grieving and sad, remember that you have promised to send your Spirit of comfort; for those who are finding life too hard and are ready to give up because of addictions or mental illness, send your Spirit of strength, hope, and renewal; for those who are staring at each other over gunpoint; send peace. Protect our sons and daughters who are overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan. And, Lord, as people who don’t merit your favor, we dare not fail to pray for our enemies (as hard as that can be). Bless them, Lord. Bless and do not curse. Guide all leaders into the paths of peace—the peace that only you can give; the peace that passes all tribes and nations.
We pray as you have taught us.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Dr. Joe Finale'
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
At Least You Know
Just in case you can't quite see that sign, it reads: The Country Gospel Music Church.
Wow. My first response is that a church should never name itself after the kind of music it embraces.
Coming soon: The Repetitious Chorus Reformed Evangelical Church and the Stiff Upper Lip High Liturgical Pipe Organ Memorial Church.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Wheels Keep on Spinning
Those days ended on Wednesday evening, about 3:30pm, when Meghan got her license. She aced the test, according to the test giver/driving instructor. She's a good driver and I'm confident that she's mature enough to handle the responsibility.

Thursday, April 03, 2008
Dreaming with Dr. Joe: Remodeling

Greg and Allison Coley are visiting from Thailand for a month. They will be our featured missionaries during missionary emphasis month. It was great to have them with us. I think Greg's new beard was a hit. I'm thinking I should be more like Greg.

Dr. Joe is drawing to a close and I can already tell that I will miss the series. Maybe we will have a reunion show someday!! Week nine's video special guest is Anna. Also, I couldn't resist an homage to the old Mentos commercials. I thought the kids wouldn't get it at all, but they laughed. Maybe the Mentos image is more pervasive than I realized.