Thursday, March 08, 2007

a brief update

The viewing is tonight (Thursday). The funeral is tomorrow.

You may have noticed that I didn't include names in the previous post, that's simply because if you're a part of Grandview you know who it is--beyond that it isn't my place to take the family from the real world into the blogosphere.

The big question people have is, "How is the family?"

We ask that question even though we know there's no good answer. I remember being dumbfounded by the question after my mother died. I didn't want to lie and say, "Hey, I'm doing just fine." I also didn't want to back the truck up and dump everything I was feeling on the person who was asking. I knew their intentions were gold.

When I'm thinking straight I try to ask more specific questions. I want to know things like how they are sleeping, eating, and whether or not they've had any chance to be alone (if they're covered by people), or with somebody (if they're alone).

And so, please offer up prayers today for sleeping, eating, and space to process the cataclysmic shift of life. Pray for a 4-year-old to retain some memories of her father and be thankful to God for the people who invented photography and video. Pray for an 8-year-old who has a beautiful and bubbly presence. Pray for a 10-year-old who feels the weight of it all along with his mother.

Pray for parents who are burying their son, for a sister who just lost her big brother.

The next two days are two of the hardest. They require energy and strength on the part of a people who have just been devestated. I'm confident you will be praying along with me. You can say a quick one right now.


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