Monday, November 27, 2006

A Great Thanksgiving Day

We left for Tennessee on Thanksgiving Day, mid-morning. The trip from Wilmore to Johnson City takes about 4 1/2 hours. It's a pleasing drive as horse farms give way to the Appalachian Mountains.The nice thing about traveling on Thanksgiving Day is that there was very little traffic. As you can see, our van was somewhat lonely.
We arrived at the Smith's house around 3pm. It was nice to be a part of a big Thanksgiving home that made room for strays like us! The mix of people made for good conversation over good food.In the wake of turkey, dressing, and all the rest, Debbie, Gary, Lynn, Susan, and Frank had a chat.
Mike and Linda Sweeney kept Scott Bartchy busy on the latest developments in the study of the New Testament. We cleared a wide swath in the room for the professors.
The young'ns played Monopoloy. My daughters were the first three to be bounced from the game. Apparently Smith girls are much more able to crush the little people and make millions!
After a good day, Cora got to spend the night in a little bedroom that was just her size. It looked like a doll house room. I thought she would last about 5 minutes in that little room by herself...she made it 10!
The next morning we woke up to this: There are many reasons to love Tennessee, but if you grew up a "flat-lander" like I did, you never quite get over the beauty of the mountains.

The Wymers send a big-blog-thank-you to Frank and Hylda Smith (and Beth and Garry) for their hospitality to us (don't worry, we'll mail a paper "thank you" as well--neither Frank nor Hylda spend a lot of time on the internet).

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