This past weekend Meghan, Anna, and I made the trip back to Johnson City. The occasion? Rich Measner asked me to be a part of his marriage ceremony to his new bride, Malinda. The weather (as most you already know) was great.
We made it to town just in time for the staff Christmas Lunch which was held in Jonesborough at the Main Street Cafe'. Below you will see two pictures of Main Street Jonesborough:

President Andrew Jackson once stayed in the hotel that you see on the left side of the street. Jonesborough is known for being the oldest city in Tennessee, the home of the nation's first abolitionist newspaper, and the home for the annual International Storytelling Festival.

Most of the crew was able to make it, though we were missing some. I had forgotten how good the food was at the Main Street Cafe'.

David and Donna Roberts were there. David has been filling the pulpit on about half of the Sundays. Not only that, he also catches some of the minister/preaching details that fell through the cracks I left in the plan. Donna is patiently waiting for David to retire. . . and I hear she dances a wicked DDR (Dance Dance Revolution video game).

The Sweet Shop is the ice cream shop across the street from Central Christian Church. CCC is where I was the youth minister from '92-'95 while I attended Emmanuel.

Here is good 'ol Central Christian Church and their wayward youth minister of old.

Back at Grandview, in my office, I prepared for the Measner wedding. I have no pictures of the wedding because I was
busy during it. I thought it might be bad form to whip out my camera and start snapping pictures during the vows--that might be carrying the whole blogging thing a bit too far.

I awoke to this scene on Sunday morning. This is the view outside of John and Yvonne Marr's house (they were my gracious hosts this weekend). A fellow could get spoiled waking up to scenery like this.

Josh was the drummer for the first service. I'm so proud of Josh . . . he's a loyal member of the Grandview Gator Club.

So is his brother, Richard.

Isaac "Gentle Ben" Schade rehearses the band.

Bob gives Dirk pointers on how to play guitar and smile at the same time.

Big Bob was in the Christmas spirit as well.

I was really glad to get to hear our guest preacher, Danny Johnson. Danny is the minister of Thankful Baptist Church in Johnson City. I got to know him in 1994 when we traveled together to and through the Middle East. Danny's a fantastic preacher and just an all-around fine man. My appreciation goes out to Thankful Baptist for loaning him to us for a day. In the trade, they received Dr. Norris for their pulpit . . . this fact made me wish I could be in two places at once.

Let the gathered worship begin!

The Middle School Sunday School class was almost all smiles.

I got the chance to chat with the college class, which is led by the Hoovers. I don't often get the chance to be out of the sanctuary/foyer on Sunday morning, so this was a treat.

And then I caught the last part of the second service.

After church I saw the "Tony and Becca" branch of the Marr family at Fuddrucker's.

Anna, Meghan, and I had lunch with the Millers and the Baders.

This allowed Anna to have a little more time with Cassady.

Then it was back to the Marr's house to change, gather gear and go. I also got to take a nice picture of the photogenic Jocelyn. After that, we made a bee line back to Wilmore. It was great to see as many people as I did.