Saturday, December 02, 2006

Video Version of the Wilmore Christmas Tree

Here is a short clip of the evening. You'll see some of the Beeson family and friends in this video.

Here is one more. I apologize for the rookie mistake I make in this video. I forgot that I couldn't rotate a video (well, I could, but I would have to buy the full-package from QuickTime), so you'll just have to turn your computer monitor on its side until the end of the video (that's when I realize that I've messed up). I wouldn't include it in the blog if it wasn't the actual magical moment.


Anonymous said...

If you were planning to stay in Wilmore, I would have you suggest to the tree committee that it would be more dazzling if they waited until after dark to light the tree. The band sounded good!

Aaron said...

I thought it was going to be dark before they got done talking . . . the jabbered for a pretty long time before lighting the tree.