My prayer life struggled while I was away. The reason? I wasn't preaching regularly. I've discovered that having to prepare a sermon each week drives me to pray in ways that school work does not. If I'm pushing my way through a book, then pushing my way through a six page response to that book, I just don't feel the same urgency to pray as when I'm getting ready to bare my soul in front of a mix of friends, family, and strangers.What happens if my written response to a book isn't so great? I get a lower grade? Will it follow me on my permanent transcript?
I'm not sure what drives you to your knees (I don't usually pray on my knees because it just hurts. My prayers start going like this: "God, you are so wonderful. Thank you for the blessings that you've given . . . ouch. . . mmmh. . . maybe if I shift my weight then . . . ooohhh, that's better... now where was I, God? Oh! You are so good to me that my . . . oh no . . . now my ankles are falling asleep").
Any way, as I was saying, I'm not sure what drives you to pray. During my sabbatical I realized that for me the Damocles' Sword that is the weekly sermon is a huge incentive.
The prayer of Anne Lamott..doesn't sound like that of an Emmanuel Grad. More of a nuts and bolts prayer (like my own). Today's blog reminded me what I missed most about your sermons: they spur me to self examination of areas I have grown comfortable ignoring. Welcome back!
P.S. Marcus' prayer last night could have been one of yours as a 5 year old: "...and please help me to grow bigger than Ethan so I can beat him..."
Please don't read Marcus any stories about Jacob and Esau, it might put bad ideas into his head!
Another comment regarding your new blog lay-out: Gideon sat on my lap as I checked it today, and when he saw your new header photo he asked "Is he in heaven?" You're picture communicated a great deal, even to a 3 year old!
Oh no . . . Gideon thinks I look like an old, dead guy! Tell him the picture was taken in Oxford, not heaven.
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